
Thank you for being a Virginia Correctional Enterprises customer! We really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to serve you.

In order to help us improve, we’d like to ask you a few questions about your experience with us. It will only take a few minutes, and your confidential answers will help us improve VCE to better satisfy your needs.

Thank you!
Your Virginia Correctional Enterprises Team


Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Service
  (800) 823-2823

  Barbara Miner
  (804) 887-3994

Sales Manager
  Robert Tilkey
  (804) 743-4107

Sales - Western Region
  Kevin May
  (540) 265-3150

Sales - Eastern Region
  Valencia Moore
  (757) 335-4712

Sales - Northern Region
  Karl Schnurr
  (703) 995-9772

Sales - Central Region
  Chris Cash
  (804) 887-5472

Although it can take a little time to receive your order, the furniture is very well made and worth the wait. Also, I was having a hard time finding a stand up desk to fit the size of my regular desk. Karl actually made a trip to Harrisonburg to look at my desk, measure it, and talk with me about options. Then he went back to his office, checked it out, and let me know what they could do. You don’t get that type of service much anymore!